Sunday 6 February 2022

Jan 15

This is (I think) the final chapter of the revelation I received on Mt Carmel 2008, with Kim Clement and a remnant from many nations. It is both an encouragement and a warning; It is based around one scripture: Revelation 7:9-17 and will be tried and tested until that time. 

For Kim Clement concert: see link below

1) The Mysterious Music Of Unity…(Matthew 16:18)

At 17 min 23 sec.

Kim Clement: “Take your loved one by the hand”… for many who will go through the Fire, will go through as a family…a unity that will begin -  and end - in the home!

Then as Kim began to play on his keyboard, I began to see a different kind of unity.🎼🎶🎼

For the next few minutes, as Kim played, I saw The Body of Christ…we were being knit together, by the Hand of God Himself…it was the most diverse, beautiful and most unlikely unification imaginable to man…I saw us being unified by the Holy Spirit…it was the most incredible and almost unbelievable unification of generations, social classes, culture, creed, skin color, language and tribe. He brought some down and raised up others…leveling everything before Him - We were as if, a flat line…a glassy sea before His Throne (Revelation 4:6; 15:2). There were young uniting with old, rich with poor, slave with free, former criminals, drug addicts, and others whom I cannot describe…people who had come OUT from other religions, other “tribes”…people that, had we the Church been able to see, we likely would never have been capable of unifying with - NOT with the true unity that Jesus prayed for in John ch.17:20-21! 

This was why this final awakening was happening in darkness…under persecution. The unifying of the Saints that I saw, while Kim played, was nothing short of an absolute miracle! Jesus’s prayer of John ch.17 coming to fruition - and almost entirely without our knowledge or input. All we were doing at this time was humbling ourselves and seeking the face of the Lord. (2Chronicles 7:14).

This is a unity that will be utterly impossible for any person or ministry to engineer…so we may as well stop trying to engineer it! To think that we can, is a prideful deception.

To the ministers with large platforms: Stop trying to reconcile Christianity with Catholicism, Judaism, Mormonism (to name just a few): This form of man-made unity will provoke the wrath of God and hasten His Judgment: This was why, after the Flood, he had to scatter the people in the first place! (Genesis 11:1-9) 

But rather, SEPARATE yourselves and start HUMBLY seeking ONLY Jesus Christ…the One who was crucified for our sins, was buried, who rose again and is now seated at God’s Right Hand…THIS is Christianity…THIS is our God: And we need to start seeking Him, with ALL our heart, soul, mind and strength…

When we do this…we will know - and PRAY - the heart and mind of God;

When we do this…God will bring them! - Revelation 7:9-17 (2Chronicles7:14)

“There is no unity outside of holiness”

David Wilkerson (2Corinthians 6:14-18)

2) The Church Becomes The Light! (Revelation 12:11)

At 19min. 15sec.  I was brought to what I think, was the beginnings of real persecution…and through the song of Kim Clement, I saw the Light coming from His Remnant…and I heard their song - the song…the heart…of the now unified Church, world-wide:🎼

“I come to You, with my hands open wide:

Lord I know you took the wounds for me…

“I come to You, with my heart open wide:

Yes I know that they broke your heart…just for me;

“I come to You with my hands open wide:

Lord I know You bore marks for me…that I might live…because of You…”

3) The Church Preaches the Gospel! (Matthew 24:14)

Then At 20:56…Kim Clement begins to prophesy in song, the following: 

“God says to you: 🎼

“I gave you all, when I sent My Only Son…

It was all that I had…closest to My heart.

I gave My Life, when I gave My Only Son…and I watched, as they tore Him apart…and I cried.“”

I felt here, that God was making His appeal to the unbeliever through His Church… 

And I saw: High-born and low…people in the earth, across the nations were being cut to the heart, as they were exposed to the Light of The Revelation of Jesus Christ…from which, in the midst of such deep darkness, there was no escape.

The Lord continued to speak through Kim Clement:🎼

“I turned away, for that one lonely moment…

when the sins of the world, He took upon Himself…just for you…

“And as He died, I could see the joy…in the eyes of every one of you that are alive…that you would praise Him…” 

I saw leaders…thrones in areas of the world…not brought low, but brought into the Light: those who sat upon them were weeping - They were brought low, as they came to a knowledge of Jesus Christ and repented. I think this was being done in darkness…under persecution and without any fanfare…except in Heaven, where there is always fanfare and rejoicing when one sinner repents (Luke 15:4-7).

The Lord continued:🎼

“There on the Cross, My only consolation was I could hear every one of you…lifting up your voice…PRAISING HIM!”

Then through Kim Clement, I heard the Bride respond: 🎼

“I lift my heart to your One and Only Son…who gave me life…changed my heart…I lift my hands to You…”

This is NOT a revolution…at least not the kind that some prominent people in the western Church are vainly imagining. This is a reformation: Not via nations or governments, but humbly and powerfully, within the hearts of people…one final reformation…that I believe will only end in one way: - Revelation 7:9-17 (Although this is open for debate)

After the prophesy had finished, just as Kim Clement stated, I also felt a completion - like something was finished- sealed.

4) The Final Curtain! 

Then finally at 27min:45, from the tongues of many different nations, standing united on Mt Carmel, came the song: “Worthy Of Our Praise”🎼…and from this moment until the very end of the concert, I believe I was taken, almost to the end - Revelation 7:9-11. (The singing of this song was a foreshadowing of something much greater): My ears were suddenly opened and, through this final song, I heard the Spirit and the Bride saying “Come”…

From, what I believe was every nation of the Earth, in the midst of great darkness, in the heart of great revival, God’s people, in many different tongues were crying out for Him to come…quietly at first; then, as more and more people entered in to the Kingdom, the voices - the song of praise and adoration - became louder and louder…reaching up to the Lord in Heaven, until it became a Crescendo! This was TRUE UNITY - Not the counterfeit tower of Genesis 11:4, but the pure and true unity that reaches up to Heaven, as an incredible aroma before God…”Come Lord Jesus!” (Revelation 22:17)…. And He will surely come. 

BUT we MUST separate ourselves: Because the false unity - the great deception - is coming…and with it, the final Judgment of God.

To God…and God ALONE…be the glory!

(1Thess. 5:20-21)

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