Friday 7 January 2022

Revival at the end

This is a continuation of a series of prophetic visions of revival from Kim Clement: Mt Carmel 2008. (Links are below) The whole earth was dark - every nation. I saw only small pockets of light, they were scattered across nations and continents…they were mostly house churches…the courageous Remnant of the church, who had been driven underground by the world system, because they had refused to bow to it. Tragically, many lukewarm and what we now call progressive churches, had. The maga church had gone…I presume either collapsed or worse still, had compromised - enslaved itself to the world. But I could hear the cries…the prayers of God’s people coming up to Heaven from deep darkness. It was at this point, just before He sent the rain…that I heard something that sounded like the words of Exodus 3:7-8 “I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters. I know their sufferings, and I HAVE COME DOWN to deliver them”…I felt that this was the beginning of Revelation ch 7:9-17…The Lord was coming with ONE (and only one) GREAT OUTPOURING before the end…and then I saw the Rain! See link: As the cries continued up toward Heaven, in the midst of the deep darkness, suddenly stood the glorious figure of Jesus Christ: As He held out His arms to the remnant of His Church across the world, they came running toward Him, from every nation…and disappeared into Him…into His Crucifixion…as if passing right through Him! When they came out the other side, they were completely changed! (John10:9) As the Church arose, other people began coming out of the darkness and running toward the Light…some falling to their knees weeping and sobbing. I saw people of different cultures, countries and religions…and as time went on, they came faster…and more and more in number. I saw an awakening…but it was happening in darkness…we were under persecution…the Church was underground! It was only when this occurred that the Church began to grow…and it grew quickly! We grew in darkness, without any of us being aware of it…we could see only through the eyes of faith. And because of this, no person or ministry was able to get their hands on it and attempt to control it. Because of the pressure, all eyes were now on Jesus, and in this way, we began to change…we began to unify! Read John 12:23-27 See link: I believe this will be harder for us in the westernized “Christian” nations, because we have enjoyed so much more the pleasures of this world, than those in other countries. Even our idea of revival is secular: BIG stadiums with the most FAMOUS worship bands, and the most WELL KNOWN speakers (only the BEST and the most “anointed” will be able to take the “seven mountains of influence”). But can we not see that this way of thinking is polar opposite to Jesus Christ, who did not even see His equality with God as something to boast about, but made Himself absolutely NOTHING (Phil.2:6-8)…despised and rejected by men (Isaiah 53:3)…not loved by this world, but hated? And He will require the same of ALL of us…no exceptions. (John 15:20) The time is coming when the TRUE follower of Jesus will NOT be tolerated by those of this world…even in America! They won’t let us hire big stadiums and hold our mega “awakening” conferences! - They’re going to hate us so much they won’t let us gather anywhere! They will see us as foolish, weak, the lowest of the low! Can we not see that a world-wide revival under any other circumstances would never be sustained? …It would die, just as it has every time before, because of our PRIDE…our insatiable desire to “play God” rather than to OBEY GOD. Therefore He will not remove the flame from under us, but will continue to hold us in the Place of pressure, where every moment of our lives, we NEED GOD…and with every fiber of our being,…we CLEAVE to God. Revelation 7:9-17 is a wake up call to us: It will be a global awakening like no other…ONLY because it is happening in the midst of a global evil like no other. If we want to walk in the Light, we must be willing to walk in the midst of the darkness…if we want to experience the Glory, we must be willing to endure the suffering (Romans 8:17). “Too many Christians want a seat at the table Jesus would have flipped over.” Missionary Spencer Smith

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