Sunday 6 February 2022

Jan 20 Fast for Family - For America 🇺🇸 

From the Kim Clement at Mt Carmel 2008: at. 10min 24sec. during a transition in Kim’s music…and a transition in the spirit realm:

I saw The Fire falling all over the world, but this vision is specifically concerning the United States of America. 

When I looked at America during this vision, people appeared as shafts of Light…beams coming out from every angle. It was dark - like pitch - everywhere…a spiritual darkness…more than this: a time of fear and trepidation - as if something was happening to the Earth itself.

But the followers of Jesus were so bright in appearance that no faces could be seen…we were nameless - of no reputation -  except One: Jesus Christ.

This brightness was not of our doing: we had simply chosen, like children, to trust in…to cleave to Jesus, who is The Light…and the deep darkness just made us shine all the brighter. And I felt the Lord say to America: Revival will begin at ground level. (Psalm 25:12-14; Proverbs ch.1:7; ch.3:5-8)

You will learn to grow in darkness. How can something grow when deprived of natural sunlight? - unless there is another supernatural source, that will override your carnal needs and natural instincts; causing you to grow in the midst of drought; bringing you to Life in the midst of death. (Indeed, there is no real Life until we first embrace Christ’s death.) My Church will learn to do this in the midst of the Fire you have been asking for…and the time that is approaching.”

During this time of tribulation, many large  ministries that had carried the Church for so long, were hit hard, so that they seemed to be fragmented and scattered…and this was a good thing: Many pastors, associate pastors and elders who had been (knowingly or unknowingly) prepared by God for this hour, upon being dispersed outside the church structure, began to preach the Gospel…powerfully and passionately. Individual congregants, some of whom had been awoken as if from a deep sleep, others who had been faithfully and humbly praying and waiting, went out to the highways and byways, and also began to preach the Gospel, with signs and wonders accompanying.

See link:

This was all over the nation…but I seemed to be especially aware of America’s heartland. I remember part of another prophesy uttered by Kim Clement: “And I will unbuckle the Bible Belt…”: I felt like I was watching this happening! These were men of prayer; men who had CHOSEN - even at the eleventh hour - to follow Jesus first, to love their wives, to cover their families, to shepherd their children…again even at the eleventh hour (they were not necessarily seasoned church goers) They were  at the head, and they ran straight into the Light of Christ, holding their children, grabbing their teens (these fathers, husbands, grandfathers operated with a Godly and supernatural authority), and coming out the other side, they rushed at the darkness as if on the front lines of an army, with swords held high. Many others followed them. This is the family…the heart of America 

See link:

Whatever sort of awakening is coming to America will happen at ground level…in the darkness…in the persecution…in the place of the pressure and squeezing of Gethsemane. God has wanted to bless America…but we, the Church have turned family and fellowship into tribalism and elitism…we have built a high pyramid of celebrities in God’s House…so many of us have helped to build it: And we must repent of this and turn away from it. The most distressing thing is that, as deep as this darkness was, many will still not recognize it as darkness, or prefer to remain in it, rather than come to the Light of Christ. (John3:18-20)

Please test this: Over time and by the witness of the Holy Spirit.  I do not claim the office of prophet - and never would! I see only through a glass darkly…and I may not even see correctly! But I can’t shake this off: I believe that there is something God wants to do in America…in the midst of great fear…great darkness; not through any military might or economic power; Not through man-made plans and structures - either those of the world or of the  Church: 

But through God’s plan and structure…through His Church…through the Family.

Lord, that you would bring us one and all, into a place where we know we cannot survive without you…so that we will be ready for You when You come for us🙏❣️


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