Saturday, 12 February 2022

 What still presses on my heart at this hour…forgive the bluntness. How long we will continue to crane our necks to those at the top of this “apostolic pyramid”, for guidance and leadership, instead of looking to the Lord? This is not Moses on Mt Sinai…we’re not approaching a mountain of fire, upon which only a select few are invited. We are the Body of Christ. Each part uniquely equal…and equally unique. In past times God spoke to us through prophets. Now He has spoken to us through His Son…(Hebrews 1:1-2)

It is tragic that so many who were called by God and once used mightily by Him, have become so consumed by the gift that they have forgotten about the giver…forgetting that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble…that he uses the despised things of this world to shame those who think they are something…and that it is to “little children“ that he reveals His true heart, they have made for themselves names, titles and platforms…hence the New Apostolic Reformation was born (C.Peter Wagner’s words, not mine)

Any true prophet will understand that God speaks at HIS OWN WILL and in HIS OWN TIME. As a prophetic person myself, I know how important it is to wait for the Lord and submit to Him - no matter how long that wait is. 

He may use a person to prophesy many times - or only one time…it may be over the span of a few days…or we may have to wait several decades between prophetic words! (for me it has been 10 years). But it doesn’t matter…because it’s not about us - it’s about HIM! 

Prophets are not supposed to be elevated above the rest of the Church - quite the opposite!

We’re not necessarily going to get a “word for the year” or a “word for the month” We’re not fortune tellers: This is nonsense! Borderline divination! We will get a word if and when GOD CHOOSES to give us one! 

And we may not always hit the mark…because we’re New Covenant prophets, not Old. Contrary to what these so-called prophets may say, we are not the ONLY voice for God - that was the Old Testament…Our words are NOT the Law. God’s Word (The Bible) is.

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