Wednesday, 13 April 2022

America Ch. 20

Cyrus, Trump & America’s True Foundation 

Part I 

So who was Cyrus - and how is he connected to Trump and America?

Isaiah 44:28  …who says of Cyrus,                                       ‘He is my shepherd,and he shall fulfill all my purpose’;                                         saying of Jerusalem, ‘She shall be built,’.                             and of the temple, ‘Your foundation shall be laid.’” 

Read also Ezra ch. 1  (Israel’s return from exile)

Why was Israel’s return from exile so necessary?

…It was not, as one celebrity prophet put it, because “Israel was hopelessly captive to the Deep State.”!

(They were under God’s discipline for idolatry - and had been for 70 years - their captivity had been for their own good…they had been refined!)  

It was not to “make Israel great again”

(the whole point of the 70 years captivity was to humble them to repentance…to raise up a generation who have learned the lesson of Deuteronomy 8:1-5…and who understand that apart from God they are nothing) 

So why was Israel’s return important?:

i. For the uncovering of their original Foundations (Ezra ch.3)- When  confronted by these, the people were brought “home” to the reality of The God of Their Fathers - and their transgression against Him….Their hearts were brought back to a place of humility and penitence…and it was then - at that point - that they were ready to rebuild on those Foundations! 

ii. For The rebuilding of The Temple (Ezra ch.3): The “House of God” was the heart - the Foundation Stone of the nation of Israel…The Place that the Lord had prepared for His final ultimate Sacrifice , that would end all others and defeat evil, once for all. ✝️ (See Gen 22:1-18 & 2Sam. 24:16-25). 

iii. For the rebuilding of the Wall - symbolic of the restoration of Jerusalem as the Holy City (Ps.87)- from out of which, Salvation will come…

And it is back to this Holy Mountain and this Foundation that the Lord is calling Israel - after 70 years in the wilderness - to remember the original Covenant - and renew it…To rediscover the nation’s original Foundation - and rebuild upon it - from the ground up. 

Now, in a place of humility and with a hungering to return to the Place of the original Covenant made by their forefathers - a Remnant (an army) under Yeshua the priest and Zerubbabel the king in exile, is ready to step out and return…

And right on time, the Lord will move powerfully in the heart of King Cyrus of Persia: He will be the hand that God uses to open that window for this Remnant to move - and to keep it open.

This Remnant - (approximately 2% of Israel’s total population at that time) had not established themselves in exile…not made themselves comfortable to the point where they didn’t want to move - quite the opposite: they were hungry to  return - to repent (the Hebrew word “shuv”meaning both)

So did they succeed? - Were they obedient to the mandate of the Lord?

The books of Ezra and Nehemiah tell us absolutely YES!

With tears and lamenting                                                    (Ezra ch3:12-13 & ch.10)…

…and great opposition                                                            (Ezra ch4 & Nehemiah ch4&6), 

they were obedient to the commission of the Lord…and because of their obedience, humility and courage the Lord blessed them in their work and they were ultimately successful… 

Part II 

How about America? What is our Foundation?  And what was our commission under our “Cyrus” Donald Trump? 

To answer that, we must go back to words that were spoken by one of America’s first fathers: 

From Cape Henry, Virginia, in the year 1607, the Rev. Robert Hunt dedicates the Land to the Lord…He says the following:

"…from these very shores the Gospel shall go forth to not only this New World but the entire world." 

The spreading of the Gospel is the Foundation Stone of America: For those first pilgrims, this prayer of dedication was a “Declaration of Dependence” on the Thrice-Holy God in whose Name they had come…that, although they had  found Liberty in this New World, they would lay it down - surrender it back to God, for the sake of spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom. 

If we want the Lord’s blessing on this nation, we must return to this original Foundation.

…But didn’t we do this under Trump? 

Did we uncover this Foundation and stand upon it? 

In answer, The Lord brought me to Haggai ch 1:2-11 -

“This is what the Lord of Hosts says: The people are saying, ‘The time has not yet come to rebuild the house of the Lord.’”

Then the Lord sent this message through the prophet Haggai: “Why are you living in luxurious houses while my house lies in ruins? This is what the Lord of Hosts says: Look at what’s happening to you! You have planted much but harvest little. You eat but are not satisfied. You drink but are still thirsty. You put on clothes but cannot keep warm. Your wages disappear as though you were putting them in pockets filled with holes!

“This is what the Lord of Hosts says: Look at what’s happening to you! Now go up into the hills, bring down timber, and rebuild my house. Then I will take pleasure in it and be honored, says the Lord.  You hoped for rich harvests, but they were poor. And when you brought your harvest home, I blew it away. Why? Because my house lies in ruins, says the Lord of Hosts, while all of you are busy building your own fine houses”.

Part III 

In the end, Israel’s Remnant were faithful, courageous and trusted The Lord, even in the face of fierce and persistent opposition and oppression…and when the Lord saw that their hearts were steadfast, committed and truly repentant, He renewed His favor upon them, raising up next, King Darius the Mede and then King Artaxerxes, until after almost a century  - between Cyrus’s decree and Nehemiah completing the Wall - the work in its entirety was finally finished.

“I will put at your helm for 2 terms, a President that will pray…” Kim Clement 2007

So, what if we too had humbled ourselves and dedicated our lives to this great work the Lord was calling us to?…Would He have also renewed His favor upon us - and given Trump (our Cyrus) a second term in office, as the prophet spoke? 

Yes, I believe He would. 

But from the outset of Trump’s inauguration, we the Church were prideful, and used this gift of grace to build our own fine houses, instead of working to build His. We boasted in our own power and prosperity instead of humbling ourselves, as the remnant of Israel did, in recognizing that it is only “because of His mercies that we are not destroyed” (Lam. 3:22)

Through President Trump, we were given an open window - to preach the Gospel of Salvation through repentance from sins, throughout the nation - and around the globe: But those Airways of Freedom were used instead, to preach a seeker-sensitive, man-centered and worldly gospel…Our God-given Liberty was used to spread a ‘gospel’ of greed, worldly dominionism and prosperity, in the Name of Jesus, to nations and to peoples who knew no better! We were supposed to teach them the Way of Jesus (Luke 9:23-24) - but instead we have preached the opposite. 

We were so focused on building an earthly kingdom…a physical wall (see link below) that we forgot about the spiritual one.

We were supposed to be the “City On A Hill”  - but we have been nothing more then a pyramid of celebrities - that is an exact replica of the world.

So now the Lord will refine us to humble us. Because He loves this Land, America will go through the olive press: Like ancient Israel, her Foundations will be laid bare. But it will not be because of the unbeliever (not because of the Republican, nor the Democrat).

Judgement begins at God’s own House. It will be primarily because of us…


Ezekiel 13:3-7

“Woe to the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit and have seen nothing! Your prophets, Israel, are like jackals among ruins. 

You have not gone up to the breaches in the wall to repair it for the people of Israel so that it will stand firm in the battle on the day of the Lord. 

Their visions are false and their divinations a lie. Even though the Lord has not sent them, they say, “The Lord declares,” and expect him to fulfill their words. Have you not seen false visions and uttered lying divinations when you say, “The Lord declares,” though I have not spoken?”

See also Jeremiah ch. 6:13-15 & ch.14:14, 

Matthew 7:15 & 24:24

So for a season, the Lord will take away their platform and their voice. 

For a season I believe I saw disruptions of towers and satellites - for a season I saw screens (electronic screens - through which these so called “voices of God” were speaking) go dark. For a time there was a strange silence in the airwaves over America…and at last, for a season the Voice of the Lord could be heard.

***I do not know the timings of this, but I am giving warning of what I see: We must have a plan in place of how to contact loved ones, etc, should our communications (our screens) go dark. The Lord is giving us time.***

In Conclusion 

The  Lord gave the faithful Remnant of Israel, first Cyrus, then Darius and Artaxerxes to finish the work. If we want to see Trump - or another like him in office again, we too must humble ourselves, surrender our Liberty to the bond-service of Jesus Christ, the God of our forefathers, and finish the work they began…Because, if Trump - or anyone like him ever returns, it will not be for our comfort…and it will be to a different America (to a nation on its head, with its Foundations laid bare)…because we will be a different (refined by fire) Church. 

After this nation has been brought low - to its Foundations - then and only then - will the Lord Himself begin bless, heal  and Fortify it - by His own Hand…


Because. "…from these very shores the Gospel shall go forth to not only this New World but the entire world." (Robert Hunt) 

And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached through all the world as a witness to every nation πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ and then the end will come (Where is America in the end times? Right here  - Matthew 24:14)

 But if we (the Church) do not go back to this “declaration of dependence” upon the Lord, I felt Him say that we (the nation) will be in danger of losing our Declaration of Independence…

But when we do eventually go back - which we will…

I can’t say anything else except - it is just the most incredible thing I have ever seen in my whole life! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

See also:

Saturday, 9 April 2022

 Part I

A nation under God…

but it cannot be saved unless and until we the Church let it go, and cleave ourselves unto God. 

“We will not experience true unity until we have first separated ourselves from this world and everything of it.

As surely as a tree must be pruned in order to reach its fruition, God Himself will SEPARATE before He UNIFIES.” (Dec27 2021) 

Continued from previous prophesy -  The Climb

The Climb To The High Place of Humility 

The irony about this climb was that it was not elevating people as the world - and large parts of the Church - would see it: It was in fact, lowering - humbling them! 

This climb was taking place in America…See:

…they were making the climb to the Cross: The only way to revival - the saving of this nation - is through the shaking of the nation - to its Crucifixion - to the Cross - and through the Cross. And it was through the Cross, that I saw, first the early pilgrims, then George Washington and the forefathers, then the Remnant Church of America - a people beginning to humble themselves and make the climb: And these words from Revelation 12:11 appeared like a banner over them: “for they loved not their lives to the death”.  The “pilgrims” I saw at this hour, making the climb, were in some cases, entire families…who had abandoned everything - emptying themselves of the love of this world - to seek and follow Jesus. Among them were many fathers, some once estranged, who had returned to their families at this late hour. They had been pressed like olives - but not crushed - persecuted but NOT abandoned! 


And now their faces were set like flint on Him; At their side stood women - wives, mothers, grandmothers…as I looked at them I saw 1Peter 3:1-6 …These handmaidens - these helpmeets, young and old, were completely surrendered under the Lord’s authority…His Hand moved powerfully through their meekness…His Glory was all over their children  and grandchildren - again I heard “they loved not their lives to the death”. 

See 1 John 2:15

We must get to that place where “to live is (only) Christ…and to die is gain - valuing nothing of this life - holding on to nothing of this world (Phil 1:21). This is the “high Place” to which the Remnant Church will ascend. But how will the Lord do this, among a people so prosperous - so consumed with self-actualization - in His Church?

There is only one Way.

When “greatness” is shaken until it falls…(Prov16:18)

I saw many of the big corporations of America being shaken to their foundations.

And I heard words that sounded like those of Proverbs 13:22:  “The wealth of the wicked has been stored up for the righteous.” (This will be covered in Part II)

As the great shakings continued and the pressure of the Olive Press increased, I became aware of something else, that I had not noticed  in any of my prophetic visions before: While it had been spiritually ‘Day’ I had seen only the mountain mists. But now it had become spiritually “night” And it was here, in this vision, that I saw it: The pillar of Fire - over, in front of, and around the Remnant Church of America.

It was now dark: The nation was being squeezed like an olive in a press…and I saw the Lord begin to turn a page…

The Remnant Church  - The Families 

Then men…fathers - grandfathers began to drop everything, in pursuit of the Lord…

And a great standard arose, right over the entire nation: On it were written once again, the words from Revelation12:11…”They overcame by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. They loved not their lives to the death.” 

These fathers - young and old…this whole remnant army reminded me of the army in Joel ch.2

Just to clarify - this was NOT the army of Joel 2, which is an entirely different scriptural context! I am merely saying that it reminded me of them. What struck me about this Remnant was their discipline, resolve and courage. 

vs. 7  Like warriors they charge;

like soldiers they scale the wall.

They march each on his way;

they do not swerve from their paths.

vs.8   They do not jostle one another;

each marches in his path;

they burst through the weapons

and are not halted.

An army of fathers of the Remnant Church stormed the ranks of the enemy. Over the ramparts, within the enemy ranks, I could see various satanic banners: one of them I could clearly see represented LGBTQ.  Underneath these banners I saw people in chains - many young people, from around 16 -25. A lot of them were teenagers in school and young adults in college. Through the pillar of fire and the legions of angels that had been deployed for this hour, this remnant army ran towards the enemy (1Sam 17:48) and stormed the gates of Hell…I watched in tears of jubilation as chains began to break and captives were set free. I watched as through the Power and magnitude of the Lord, this galvanized Remnant body literally began to plunder the camp of the enemy…It was the Salvation of souls like I had never seen before!

…vs. 9 They leap upon the city,

they run upon the walls,

they climb up into the houses,

they enter through the windows like a thief.

These were not just biological families  - they were spiritual families, with many pastors and elders also leading as fathers. Under the pressure of the Olive Press, all divisions and rivalry between churches and denominations of this remnant, had been cast aside. I saw young people, teenagers and small children. These ‘families’ were going forth like an army - but not only to America: I saw boots on the ground all over  Africa, India, Asia…as far as Russia. (Continued in Part II - the missionaries) 

They  were an army on the march…they stood on the foundation of Genesis ch.1 and confronted the father of lies with the Word of Truth…they stood on the foundation of the original pilgrims…of the Word of God…They stood and faced the enemy…they held in their hands the sword of the Spirit and preached the  Gospel of Salvation powerfully, setting many prisoners free!

Who is on the Lord’s side? Ex. 32:25-26. A line had been drawn and these men - these families - had stepped over it. For some, I knew it would cost us our lives.

This was a miracle movement…a remnant of unsung heroes…who, after coming through God’s great olive press of refinement, now counted as loss, all they had once thought to be gain (Phil 3:8)…

In losing everything, they had found the One and only thing that really mattered: the fellowship of Jesus Christ (Phil 3:9-10). I saw the resolve in their faces πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ - I knew that, like their forefathers, the early pilgrims, these would hold on to Jesus, though it cost them their lives (Rev12:11) - Here is the True Remnant Church of the United States of America.

And through this Remnant, many throughout the nation will awaken: 

The nation’s hands will be emptied - for a season…and Americans will begin to come: not for a party - not to be entertained: But to hear the Gospel - some of them not knowing why they are coming, except that they have a great need (Matthew 5:3)…an inexplicable longing for the God of their forefathers. America will become as it was for the early pilgrims…for a season - a place of seeking Jesus - And whoever finds Him in this dark hour, will cleave to Him, whatever the cost. 

This is the heart - the Face of the USA, that the Lord has shown me - a Face of such courage…such fearsome resolve…and Godly morality: A concentrated and passionate people, who love not their lives to the death, but will lay them down for one another. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Part II…

America like Ancient Israel was founded upon the Word of God…and just as Israel were the instrument the Lord used to bring Salvation to the Earth, so He desires - and has from its conception - that America be the instrument to bring Salvation to the ends of the earth.


This is why the Lord allows times of refining and testing -to bring us to this place of humble need and sincerity (Matthew 5:3)

I saw many of the big corporations of America being shaken to their foundations. As if an entire infrastructure was being broken down and disconnected; one Power Point from another: At the same time, it was as though chains were being broken - snapped from the hands and feet of people, who when released, looked around - and began to see…


The Crash & The Fall

In the midst of the shaking there was a huge Crash, as if something of great financial value and stature had fallen and burst open; it’s contents - something that looked and sounded like coins - came pouring out. 

Again I heard: “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the sinner’s wealth is laid up for the righteous” Proverbs13:22 

…“I have stored up the wealth of the wicked to give the righteous. For My Gospel must be preached, to the ends of the earth…” I remembered a previous prophetic word, where I had seen American boots on the ground in other nations - missionaries who had abandoned everything to follow the Lord; 


I had remembered thinking: how could this possibly be done in the midst of a financial crisis? 

Again I heard: “I have stored up the wealth of the wicked to give to the righteous…I have given them (the large corporations) time to repent. But now a day of reckoning (from them) - and of recompense (for His Righteous ones) is coming. 

I had seen this scripture butchered so much by prosperity ministers, so I asked “who are these “righteous” that you have stored wealth up for?”

And I was taken back to my vision of before: American boots on the ground - in Africa and all over the world (see Part I)

 “…the righteous? Those who will not hold on - but will sacrificially pour out WHATEVER I place in their hands, for the Gospel of My Kingdom.”

Provision of all kinds was now pouring almost uncontrollably out of these fallen places and into the laps of the servants of the Lord… “to those who would love not their own lives to the death.” It felt as though America was for a season, being turned entirely on its head! The rebirth of a nation, after the birth pangs…except that this America seemed to look nothing like the one before…

 I watched as these Righteous Ones quietly and soberly received this wealth transfer - from the Hand of the Lord Himself. Those who received - many of them entire families - would bow in worship, and then move out swiftly, to work the Lord’s Harvest: some to within the nation - others going out from the nation: These “nameless & faceless” missionaries were cloaked in humility…the seal of God was on their foreheads - and something that I thought to be the US flag was stamped on their feet…

Because God is merciful - and just as his gifts and calling for Israel were irrevocable (Romans 11:29), it seemed also that, in His mercy, He was showing the same favor to the United States.

America’s Missionaries…

Many of those going out, were bringing their Liberty with them…but this was a different kind of Liberty: This was Liberty in its truest, purest form. For amongst them, were service men and women, medics, teachers, cleaners, business owners, industry workers, caregivers, mothers - and fathers! And they were pouring themselves out for others! Many among them were unskilled in the natural - still more had disabilities…yet, these had now been gifted with a weight and wealth of supernatural wisdom, knowledge and anointing…because they too had heard the call - and emptied their hands of everything else! And I  heard these words of Jesus, from Matthew 16:25 & Luke 9:24 “For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it”(There can be no pyramid of celebrities in the Body of Christ!)

As I watched those going out (young and old - men, women, children), I remembered again the sacrificial love of the Righteous of the Lord. As time went on and things became progressively harder, these righteous ones began exchanging their gifts between each other - one person’s lack was met by another’s abundance…one person’s weakness compensated by another’s strength. These acts of selfless outpouring, one to another, reminded me of Acts ch. 4:32. 

The prudent sees danger and hides himself,

    but the simple go on and suffer for it. (Prov. 22:3)

 There had been a mighty fall of Pride among the high and lofty monuments of progressive America - and among large fractions of the Modern  Church, who had coveted the fine things of this world. and had refused to separate themselves from its corruption; (the higher they had built their towers, the harder they had fallen)…but in the aftermath of the destruction, I saw only humility…and one vital window of opportunity - to repent and turn back to God!  

Only those Christians who were willing to empty their hands of the treasures of this earth (those with clean hands), who had paid head to the Lord’s instruction of Matthew 6:25-34, were able to approach and receive this gift of mercy that the Lord had stored up for His Righteous Ones. Sadly there were many in the Church who couldn’t - and wouldn’t…Now I truly understood the meaning of 1Timothy 6:10. See also:

Godly men were restored to their God given place in the remnant church - likewise Godly women seemed to slip naturally into their proper place. And their children were covered and protected by the blood of the Lamb, as were the Lord’s remnant, the Hebrews in Goshen - for this is how the Remnant in these end times will also overcome. 

As I saw the great monuments of America being shaken to the ground, I was brought back to a prophetic word from May 2021: 

I saw the great eagle that is the USA suddenly arise like lightning from the earth, for (what I believe) would be her last , but finest hour... and at the same time, the gospel move like a great psunami wave, across the earth, to the farthest islands of the sea, in a playing out of Matthew 24:14” 


 …but the great eagle will not arise - and this tsunami wave will not go forth, until these American  idols fall.

We as Christians must see America in a new light; through the eyes of the first pilgrims - through the eyes of the Lord. A city on a hill - a place where our God-given Liberty is used for the procreation of the Gospel.


We must stop trying to fight in the natural, for this nation…

and LEARN how to STAND in the supernatural, for God’s Kingdom…

so that as many as possible from this nation might enter in to the Kingdom!

The true face - the true heart of the USA: 

This is what I saw - Lives laid down in courageous and selfless sacrifice, for the “procreation of the Gospel” to the glory of God. (Satan does not want this in America - It will become his worst nightmare!) Nevertheless, just as it was in the very beginning - so it will be again - for those who have ears to hear…πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

This is the Will of the Lord for the United States of America… this has been her destiny from the beginning. 

Lord raise up Your Remnant Body, who will go forth in righteousness…to possess this Land…so that You can once again, bless this Land.


Wednesday, 23 March 2022

 Part I.  A Sound From The “Old Country “

“The Watchman has no name” (John3:30)

“Where does the founding of America begin?”

I found myself asking that question while I was praying for America - and was suddenly faced with what looked like a timeline, in a modern day American classroom: It was the history of the United States of America….And like a child in school, I raised my hand and asked again “Where does the founding of America begin?”

I asked because I could see that the timeline went all the back to the Revolutionary War…but no further: there it seemed to stop…at the monuments of DC…at the Statue of Liberty - and from that point backwards, it was as though a veil had been drawn - no one could see what was before it…beyond it. Where was the Mayflower…? the “Pilgrims…? I could see the “pursuit of happiness”… but where was the pursuit of Jesus Christ?

“The Watchman Has No Name…” (Luke 9:23-24)

Then I felt as as though I was back in Great Britain. The Lord took me by the hand…in my other hand I held something like a shofar. We began to climb a steep ascent up  a mountain: It was rugged and desolate - it reminded me of the mountains I had been used to climbing in Scotland. 

I stumbled slightly but the Lord kept firm hold of me…leading me higher and higher, up a rough narrow Way, to a high place:  I looked around and became aware that I was not alone…there were many others also making the climb. It was lonely - but we were not alone! We were intercessors…watchmen…but at that moment, we were like pilgrims, following the Lord. 

We were ascending to a high place that I knew was Plymouth Harbor in England - 

(FYI anyone from my side of “the pond” will tell you that Plymouth, England is not, in the natural, on a mountain! 

…but we were  not operating in the natural!)

The higher we went , the more desolate it became…until the low laying cloud that covered the top of the mountain also concealed us…We became nameless and faceless. And again I heard:

“The Watchman Has No Name…”(Colossians 3:2-3)

From the summit of the mountain we could see across the vast Atlantic Ocean to America: (just as in 1620, the small group of Religious Separatists at Plymouth Harbor, looking out to the horizon, committed their lives into the Hand of the Lord and made the perilous journey to the New World. They were not the first…and were by no means perfect, but they are symbolic…of a nation that, from its very conception, was only intended to exist for the glory of God  

Again I heard  “The watchman has NO NAME…”(Galatians 2:20) - because the “high place” is not what we in our carnal minds imagine…it is not a place where we stand tall, but where we fall to our knees…not a place where we save our lives, but lose them! - not a place of glamour, but HUMILITY! (2Cor 12:9)

…In the desolate mountain mists, the many pilgrims suddenly disappeared - and in their place was one man, who reminded me of an Old Testament prophet. As I watched, the shofar I had carried was set to the lips of this Watchman. 

The Sound 

It was a long, lonely, somewhat unspectacular sound (because “the watchman has no name”)…but at its sound there began a stirring on the other side of the Atlantic …as if an awakening from a deep comatose slumber. And a beam of light shot across the ocean - between Plymouth, England and Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts, where the Separatists from England had ended up, after inadvertently landing at Cape Cod. The light didn’t seem to be coming from either New England or “Old England” - it was just there…between the two nations - the one and only thing that seemed to be connecting them. 

(But I knew this was not about a nation…This was about SALVATION!)

And I became aware of a small group of people on the Massachusetts side. They were all gathered together on some kind of “foundation stone” that I knew represented Plymouth Rock. They were the only ones that this beam of Light (of Truth) was shining on…and I know they were the only ones that had been  awake enough to hear the sound of the shofar.

The sound could not be heard except by the remnant standing on the foundation of Plymouth Rock…just as the beam of light stretched only as far as Plymouth Rock and no further. 

- Note: I do not believe that either of these  locations, have so much a physical significance, as a spiritual one.

At the sound of the shofar I also became aware of something else…A great rumbling and shaking like the beginnings of an earthquake.  

Part II. Tremors From The “New World”

The “Separatists”

“I will shake the great monuments of this nation…the high and lofty things, to their foundations…for My Church will I do this…until these foundations begin to crack. And you must be SEPARATE” (I thought about the humble and uncomplicated lives of the “Separatists” from the Mayflower) 

“You must find - and return to your original foundations.”

I saw the Statue of Liberty: 

And The Lord’s word to His Church continued…“You have lost your Way Beloved: The light you think you have is no light…and the rock upon which you stand…that which you have thought to be unshakable…is actually sinking sand. You must move now…to separate yourselves…to “higher ground” (see Part I).  Again I saw the Statue of Liberty - it was being shaken…

“Because that which you think is Me…is not Me! And that which you have mistaken for freedom has now become to you a snare!”

No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money. (Matthew 6:24)

For more details on this shaking and separation see:

The Shaking 

(Note: I cannot rule out an actual physical shaking, but what I saw was more spiritual than physical)

Again I heard “You must move now, to separate yourselves! Because many will be horrified and perplexed at this shaking…But I - who I Am through My Word…My Cross - will not be shaken! You must move to this True and Only Solid Rock…this Tried and Tested Stone…”

A Veil of Great Deception…

What happened next is not easy for me to explain…

I saw the monuments - the great symbols of Liberty…of the Revolutionary War - begin  to shake…

It was NOT the Revolutionary War itself that was being shaken …but rather, it seemed to be what America had inherited through it - AFTER it - A prized inheritance from a place that, following its own revolutionary war, had become almost entirely atheistic.

…And it is this foundation of pride (not the Word of God - the message of humility, that the Pilgrims carried) that America - including almost the entire Church - have been building their lives upon.

(for are we not taught, even from many pulpits, that this foundation is of the Lord?)

…But I felt the Lord say that the type of ‘freedom’ that large parts of the Church in America have been fighting for, is NO LONGER the same freedom that He died for.

As I watched the Statue of Liberty and other monuments shake, it was as though a great veil of deception… almost like a cloaking device…fell right off them! And instead of seeing symbols of Liberty, I saw great pyramids of secular humanism…

Please read:

I saw so clearly: “The pursuit of happiness”…”the American Dream”…was in reality the brainchild of pure secular humanism - the love of this world - a snare…with the Name of Jesus stamped blasphemously on top. I was horrified…

For us The Church - to embrace these foundations as Christian…to teach our children so…! To build on such foundations…will end in  catastrophe - for both the Church and the nation….This is why we are seeing so much that we have built in Jesus’s Name  being eroded away….

But the Lord has not left us without a WAY…

And I saw in the midst of the shaking…As these veils were being brought down, a remnant, that was blind…were suddenly able to see…

Part III. The frantic scramble to freedom…

“Because to those in My Church who are not prepared - this WILL be a frantic scramble.”

(I thought again about the remnant I had seen on Plymouth Rock. See  Part I)

And the Lord also gave me:  1Corinthians 1:26-29

We must move to separate ourselves from the love of this world…the “pursuit of happiness” now! If we don’t…I saw in the midst of the shaking - the tribulations - the American Dream was crumbling - and had now become for many, nothing short of a nightmare! 

But the Lord loves this Land…and has not left us without a Way…

Please read: “the swamp”  

I saw more and more Americans were compelled to abandon their earthly lives and scramble to “higher ground”. Some came more quickly and willingly than others…and for many, I feared that  it would be too late!

But then I saw those who had already begun the ascent to safety, turn around and reach down to help those still bewildered and scrambling:  

“Look! See! The true heart…the true Face of the United States of America!” I was weeping! In the midst of great shakings, people forgot about themselves - their own lives,  and began  to lay them down for others. I saw many families climbing together - many fathers reach down to haul up those who were struggling below….

A rush of selfless sacrifice began to erupt throughout the Remnant Church, and out to the American people: And it was then…and only then…that something finally seemed to break - to snap -  in the heavens over the nation! As if the heart of the Lord was suddenly and DEEPLY moved…

and the Glory of God at last began to rise - without fanfare - without glamour - from sea to shining sea…across the United States of America.


The “fathers”

“your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions”

many of these younger men where being used as signposts, directing people to the Lord; 

“…and your old men shall dream dreams”…not suffer with dementia!…but dream dreams! Through this final outpouring of the Spirit, that curse…that bondage…and many others, was broken off many older men, and they began to rise up and take their true positions in the Body of Christ.  People across generations had hearts that now burned; 

The “higher ground”

I can’t say exactly what this looks like: 

All I see is the humble, courageous and uncomplicated faces of those first pilgrims from England - simply seeking Jesus. 

(Because: The Watchmen…the servants of the Lord…have no name - except One!)

However, I can tell you what it did NOT look like: glamour, fame, riches or some kind of euphoric “experience”

It was NOT a party! (at least, not yet). 

It was Repentance - on such a large scale that my heart both leapt and broke for America, at the same time! 

The American Dream for so many, had broken…but had been replaced by an Eternal Reality that had become  more precious to them than anything of this world! (Luke 9:25)

As people climbed, there seemed to be more and more abandonment of earthy things - of Self. And as this happened, their eyes became clearer, their steps lighter and their faces set more and more like flint on Jesus Christ.

Miracles, Signs, Wonders…

Upon this “high place”, desolate, shrouded in mist, is the place of miracles, signs and wonders…the place where the glory of God will be poured out upon a people who are nameless and faceless (see part 1). Because God will not share His glory with another.

“Wide as the Waters”

And I was taken back to the remnant I had seen at the beginning, (Part I) standing on the Foundation that was Plymouth Rock. 

A remnant in America who had heard our shofar from across the water  - those with ears to hear - had begun to awaken…like a sleeping giant…like the sound of a tsunami wave!

But beyond that…I cannot describe it. Except that it was glorious.  

I did not recognize the nation - the “USA” that had begun to awaken! I believe that when the time comes, few if any of us will!

And the Lord  brought me back to my first question: (see Part I) Where does the founding of America begin?… 

“…for the glory of God and advancement of the Christian faith…”

From sea to shining sea, may the Lord return us to these original foundations…and in doing so, may He heal this Land. Amen!

***Excerpt from the Mayflower Compact (a civil agreement of coexistence between the Pilgrims and the other settlers. It was not that different from any civil compact made in England - except that it granted the Pilgrims FREEDOM - to Worship the Lord in Spirit and Truth…and to SPREAD this Truth to others.)

This prophetic vision for America is the latest one in a series, which can be read at: 

or at #2Chronicles714

America Ch. 20 Cyrus, Trump & America’s True Foundation  Part I  So who was Cyrus - and how is he connected to Trump and America? Isaiah...