Sunday, 27 February 2022

 More about The Olive Press 



I saw  what I thought to be an olive, being pressed and squeezed in between two hands…gently at first, then more and more intensely until I saw oil begin to come from the olive. I knew this was the Church.

Still more and more the olive was squeezed, almost to breaking point… And people began to scream - to shout - to cry out to the Lord…but these cries were different - cries like I had never heard before…these were cries that were coming up from a place of pressure.

Exodus 3:7-8

It was from this place of weakness and brokenness that I saw the anointing oil was now flowing freely and unhindered from the Body of Christ…and it was also from this Place that the Bride of Christ began to emerge. The Place where we were, had now become a place of purity and holiness…an aroma of Life in the midst of the stench of death. 

And The Lord gave me this scripture - 

“We are hard pressed on every side,but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.” 2 Corinthians 4:8-12


It is better that America goes through the olive press now (2Cor.4:8-9), rather then the wine press later (Revelation 14:19). Better to be pressed like an olive, than crushed like a grape (Matt 21:44). Can we not see the Lord’s mercy in this?

What will this look like?

02/20/2022. I only saw a fraction…and only caught a glimpse: It was just after Church on the Lord’s Day: I was looking at the massively long lines of cars, waiting to get in at one of the massive number of restaurants in Bowling Green. Suddenly- and for just a second - I saw something very different. The lines of cars disappeared and were replaced by lines of people; these were no longer waiting to get a table in their favorite restaurant…they were waiting to get basic foodstuffs to live!  

I thought about John ch.6.(Feeding 5000): The great and unorthodox Feast of Tabernacles taking place on the hillside…the people that Emmanuel fed - that He “tabernacled with”…and yet they failed to make the connection with Deuteronomy 8:1-4

They did not recognize the Manna from Heaven  because their  bellies were full of the substance of the earth. 

It is the same with the western nations. We will not truly recognize or know the fullness of the Lord, until the earthly things that, (even we Christians), clamor for, are for a season, brought down 


“I will for a season, bring down the “American way”, so that the people can recognize MY WAY.”

Is there another way for this nation? I honestly don’t believe so. Every high and lofty thing must come down. The original Foundation Stone of the fear of the Lord (Proverbs 9:10) must be brought up from the ground if people are to experience the true unveiling of the Lord Jesus Christ.

America - From the Great Olive Press to The Great Awakening 

This is most powerful thing I have ever seen in my life

Part I

America’s great upheaval(the shaking of a nation)

I saw the Land all over America, as if in massive upheaval - like soil being turned over by a huge rotavator, ready for seed baring. This seemed to be happening throughout the nation. What was causing this…?

I saw what I thought were the hands of the Lord, bringing up a flat stone from deep within the ground; whether this was happening quickly or slowly I could not tell…but I could see it coming up. The earth around was shaking, cracking, being churned up in great mounds…all over the nation. I could hear the noise, like an earthquake. Everything that had been built by human hands, to cover over of this Foundation Stone was breaking up and falling away…I saw many great monuments (monuments of Finance, Education and others) built to the glory of man that were lifted up by the earth and toppled. The devastation could not be ignored. It was everywhere - because people everywhere had bowed down to what these monuments stood for - and bad fruit had been produced. (I believe this upheaval was more SYMBOLIC than literal)


“I am and will shake the great monuments of humanism in this nation…” (I thought about Washington DC)

“…and uncover its original Foundation Stone: For I remember the prayers and supplications offered up to me…” (I thought about the year 1620 and a storm battered schooner, landed at Plymouth Rock; a small group of pilgrims from England, who had risked life and limb to find religious freedom, on these beautiful shores). ~~~

In the midst of the churning and upheaval, as the original Covenant - the foundation Stone was coming up, everything that “We the People” thought we knew…that we had in our foolishness relied upon, was being overturned…And  it was as though the Land itself was finally allowed to breathe, great heaving gasps.

Then as I looked at this Foundation Stone of 1620, something like scales came off my eyes and I realized I was actually looking at the Bible - the Word of God…(because that was the foundation of the puritans who originally made this covenant with God!)


”You have forgotten - yet I have not. You have placed pagan pyramids over this sacred Covenant. (Again I saw Washington DC)…”But in the end, because of the prayers of My people, I will uncover this foundation and bring up the stone, that I may bring Salvation over this Land…and from here to the ends of the Earth.”~~~

“A nation is not saved by its Constitution…but by the Word of the Living God.”

The Constitution…

I saw 1787 - the people’s document for the people - The Constitution of The United States. It fell down upon this foundation Stone, the Word of God…and was immediately broken into pieces! 

…And the Lord gave me Matthew 21:44: “Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces (the repentant); 

anyone on whom it falls will be crushed (the unrepentant).”

…So the Constitution fell, and was broken…And repentance hit the United States of America! 

Part II

America’s Great Repentance - (The death of a nation - see: John 12:24)

As the upheaval of the foundations of America continued The people began to fall before the Lord, and were immediately broken by the conviction of the Holy Spirit. First the believer - then the unbeliever! As the great shakings continued, more and more of the great and beloved nation seemed to fall and surrender to the refining of the Olive Press…Until finally the Foundation Stone (The Word of God…the fear of God) was lifted up and set in place. Many would not look upon it or receive it. But many others did look upon it - and were cut to the heart. It was as though the USA had almost been turned completely upside down! The Great American Dream machine*** also came to a grinding halt. It was to many, a tremendous loss…the death of America! - but…John 12:24. 

And there was smoke and ashes…


…But something much greater and more powerful seemed to have risen up from the ashes of the collapse of the machine. Something had changed!

From the smoke and ashes I heard the sound of children, fathers, mothers, many different generations in total surrender…praising Jesus together. From the midst of the devastation…the heart of America, came the extraordinary power of Family. I heard teachers, police officers, restaurant workers, nurses, so many people…as if awakened from a deep comatose sleep, or taking a breath for the first time in their lives! Once they were blind…now they could see! They fell on their knees in repentance and began to worship Jesus!

It was as if The Lord had taken everything…leaving us with nothing except Him. (John6:68)

Part III 

America’s Great Awakening(the Resurrection of a nation)

Repentance had cut like a knife through the heart of the nation! - But instead of death, it brought life…that heart now began to beat. As if the Lord had to temporarily stop the heartbeat of America in order to truly  resurrect her! (Ezekiel 36:26)

As I looked at the Church, we were like a new man. The Lord had removed our earthy treasure chests from off our shoulders, and we now moved swiftly, like deer on the mountains! The Fire of revival was spreading everywhere…there was nowhere in America that wasn’t being effected. I watched as Salvation breached the walls of schools, colleges, hospitals (I saw the outpouring of the Spirit on a large children’s hospital for cancer) 

Salvation reached across RACIAL lines…then I watched it breach the “sacred” political barrier that separated the “Right” from the “Left” …

Along with so many other superficial things - party lines were also coming down! 

I saw no political lines - because I was looking through the eternal lens of the heart of God…there was no “left” and “right” - there was only the SAVED and the UNSAVED….the repentant and the unrepentant…

*…not everyone in the USA is going to receive  this…not everyone will rejoice over it. Let the one who does receive it, rejoice over their salvation!*

The United States of America became as a beacon of Light across the world. And the Gospel went out like a tsunami wave. 

True Liberty & The seat of Government

I don’t know who was in the White House (whether it was 45, or someone else - R or D)…nor did I really know what was going on…except that Salvation was breaking out at ground level: many of the people were vastly changed: Their hands, once full of worldly substance, were now empty: for the first time in, I believe hundreds of years, America was experiencing true Liberty: The pursuit of  “happiness” had been replaced by a penitent desire for, and pursuit of the Joy of the Lord and to know His Ways! People were thronging, talking, breathing freely. From out of the Olive Press, for one final season, America  could breathe…for one final season she could SEE (Revelation 3:18). 


“I will for a season, bring down the “American way”, so that the people can recognize MY WAY. “

The Face of a nation

I looked through the original Foundation Stone…and as I did, I saw the true heart…the true Face of the USA… It was nothing like I had  imagined: It was the face of 1620:  

Powerless, yet surrendered (Jeremiah 9:23-24)…

Defenseless, yet highly fortified (Psalm 125)…

Weak  - yet stronger than she had ever been before (see 2Corinthians 12:9-10)

It was the most unexpected…peculiarly humble…and POWERFUL thing I have ever seen in my life!


Wednesday, 23 February 2022



“I saw A holy fire…the Glory of The Lord over the Heartland. It extended up the middle of the nation from south to north, between the two great mountain ranges on the east and west…”

And I saw clearly the words of Psalms 125
1  Those who ftrust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever.
2  As the mountains surround Jerusalem,so the Lord surrounds his people,from this time forth and forevermore.
-And I remembered another vision I had back in 2016…
~~~ “In the months leading up to the 2016 elections, I saw something like a dark tsunami sweeping westward across the globe, engulfing every nation in its path. The prayers of the Saints from many nations around the world, came up and seemed to assemble over America’s heartland. From there, a huge wall of something like fire arose. It was so dense that it covered the land from the mountain ranges on the East to those on the West; and it was many times taller. As I watched, the dark tsunami hit this ‘wall of prayer’ from both sides (East and West) of America and rebounded. It  could go no further and began to recede: I knew this global anti-Christ system had been defeated - at least for a time. When I asked the Lord “why America?”, I felt Him reply “America is the only nation whose foundations are strong enough- deep enough to support such a wall.” ~~~

What are these foundations?

02/10/2022: …”I thought about the year 1620 and a storm battered schooner, landed at Plymouth Rock; a small group of pilgrims from England, who had risked life and limb to find religious freedom, on these beautiful shores…
The Lord: ”You have forgotten - yet I have not. You have placed pagan pyramids over this sacred Covenant. (Again I saw Washington DC)…”But in the end, because of the prayers of My people, I will uncover this foundation and bring up the stone, that I may bring Salvation over this Land…and from here to the ends of the Earth.”

For a season…and because of the original covenant…it’s purity…the Lord will give to America the favor that He gave to Israel in Psalms 125. 
There will be one chance…and only one, for us - to humble ourselves, seek his face , and turn from our wicked ways…so that He can heal our Land. (2Chronicles 7:14)
But we need to be ready for the refining that will take place within and around us: I have waited on the Lord to share this…

It was around lunchtime on the Lord’s Day: there were as usual, long long lines and traffic jams everywhere, as people, coming out of Church, clamored to get a table at their favorite restaurants Suddenly those lines of cars disappeared..and I was looking at a very different line…a line of people - they were outside what looked like closed stores and food banks. What I felt the Lord show me was simply this: the time is coming when people will be lining up, not for a table in their favorite restaurant, but for their basic foodstuffs. 
The Lord is shaking us, to awaken us…that we will run to the only foundation that is unshakable! (Ezekiel 12)

 Prophetic word 

The Great American Dream Machine 

At first I thought I was seeing a “Dream”…it was bright and sparkly and full of promise…then as I waited on the Lord, I saw it was a smooth, powerful and precision machine. I heard the words: “This is the PERFECT DREAM machine” I realized that as strong as this machine looked, in order for it to run PERFECTLY, all the parts needed to be able to function PERFECTLY - only the best of the best for this machine…and many were not! Some cogs were weaker than others…some were more misshaped. I felt the Lord show me “To operate as part of this “dream” is to become as a cog in a machine. But this machine is about to fail” 

I saw the workings of the machine suddenly begin to collapse…cogs and other intricate parts began to fall on each other. (I heard the words “Devoid of Faith” and “Crushed in spirit“) But those in power did not stop the machine, but kept it running, acting as if nothing was going wrong. 

I thought to myself “you need to stop this machine - to save the parts…the machinery”. The machinery inside was being damaged - crushed - burnt…and despite the appeals of many watchmen on the outside, the task-masters, who were seated high upon great pyramids, still would not stop this machine! 

At this point I saw that there were long lines of young people from about 18 to as young as 3, who were being smartened up…as if conditioned, to become part of the workings of the machine. The younger children at the back of the line, were playing, happily unaware of what lay ahead…but some of the the older ones, (from around 12 to 18), as they got closer, and their conditioning became more and more intense, began to look scared. Many others began to complain, and when some questioned as to why they had to become a part of this machine, they were basically told by parents and other supervising adults (I saw teachers and classrooms) that either it was “For their own good” - or “For the collective good…for the PERFECT running of the machine” - or (and this was the worst!) “For the building of the kingdom of Heaven”. The adults themselves were unmoved by these concerns, and seemed to be functioning as if in a trance.

I saw that many of the weaker, slower, more misshaped parts, having become dislodged, were violently ejected out of the machine’s workings: They now lay burned out in a corner…”they are the weak links in the chain.” - I saw rather then heard this!

As I looked at the task-masters, no longer did I see Egyptian like pyramids…I now saw the monuments of Rome…France…and then Washington DC! And I kept getting the words “Masonic Order”. 

(I know enough about Free Masons to know that they may claim to worship God, but they are atheists at heart, with “survival of the fittest” being their theology…I also know the Masonic, atheistic beliefs that these monuments in our capital represent. Is this the foundation upon which we as Christians have chosen to raise our children? Read Psalm 127)

This whole thing reminded me of a “civilized” version of the satanic mills and workhouses of England, during the Industrial Revolution.

“For the greater good”, I kept hearing them say: 

But surely only God is great…and good!

I continued to look at the machine…it seemed to be going faster and faster: the cogs and other parts, even the stronger or more intricate ones, were now showing signs of failure…black smoke began erupting from all over the various parts of machinery…and still these Egyptian-like task-masters would not stop the machine or make it slow down, but drove it faster. (I knew it was increasing both their wealth and power). 

I looked at the children waiting in line…some of them I knew…some were extremely dear to me, and as I realized this, the urge to get the task-masters to stop the machine became intense! I began to cry out with other watchmen: “Stop this machine…Stop it!”

I began appealing to the Lord to intervene… “an appeal to Heaven”***

“Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it; except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.” - Psalm 127:1

The Lord spoke:

“I created a Nation to worship Me…not to work like cogs in a man-made machine! Beloved, I have given you such great FREEDOM…How are you using it? What are you feeding, nurturing your children with? Are you preparing them for the blessed Hope of My Kingdom…are you building up their faith through things as yet unseen? 

“Or are you keeping their tired eyes open, to the luxuries of this life…to the temptations that lead to Self Actualization - to the slave-drivers of the anti-christ world order…for it is to this place, that the wide path the people of this nation have chosen, will lead. 

“Beloved, why do you not seek first My Kingdom? Why do you work so hard for things that will perish…and condition your children…and your children’s children to do the same? (Psalms 127)

“My people you must hear Me clearly. Either you separate yourselves to Me and turn from this world order, or you, your children and your children’s children will be crushed by it!”

Read Revelation 3:14-22

The machine finally slowed down and abruptly stopped. I saw the people inside begin to come out - some angrily protesting that it had stopped…others choking, gasping for breath, and longing for relief…and as the thick smoke from the devastation cleared, many of them finally began to see…

I believe that for a season the Lord will bring this atheistic system - the great Masonic towers of the nation down - so that HIS VOICE will be heard.

For a season the Lord will give to America the favor that He gave to Israel in Psalms 125. There will be one chance…and only one, for us - to humble ourselves, seek his face , and turn from our wicked ways…so that He can heal our Land. (2Chronicles 7:14)

***I guess my “appeal to Heaven” is somewhat different from the likes of Dutch Sheets & Chuck Pierce: Many are appealing for America to be raised up in strength and greatness…I am appealing for America to fall to her knees in broken repentance - because as America goes…so go the other nations - including my own.πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with us all…I love this nation πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Monday, 21 February 2022

 America - Through suffering to Glory…!


I saw A holy fire…the Glory of The Lord over the Heartland. It extended up the middle of the nation from south to north, between the two great mountain ranges on the east and west. I remember seeing Texas and Louisiana, and as far north as upper Indiana…it began to touch  the Lake Michigan area - It reached to the outskirts of Chicago…I began to cry out for Chicago! There were children by the masses running toward Jesus - into the Kingdom. And many men - some apathetic, some back-slidden, and some just plain unbelieving, were having “Saul of Tarsus” like encounters with the Lord, on the road to destruction. I saw these men turn 180 degrees back Jesus Christ.

At the same time, something had erupted in the New England States. Wells - geysers of living water, in response to I believe, centuries of prayer: I saw Connecticut, but I know it was all over New England. And infiltrating New York. I saw that these wellsprings of Life were breaking chains…religious chains, off of people in New England. I became aware of the prayers of the Saints…and as I began to prophesy alongside them, I saw  the idol/goddess that held dominion over New England, begin to fall: I knew it was the religion of Roman Catholicism. As people were drawn to these massive well-springs, their chains and yolks were broken and they began to drink freely. This became a full-scale revival! (Isaiah 12:3-5)

I saw this revival fire spread like lightning across America…and in the Heartland, Standards had been raised up (Is.59:19)…prominent among these was the Standard of God’s divine order of marriage and the Family…And I felt the Lord tell me “You do not yet know or recognize the true “Face” of the USA…It is not in the high and lofty monuments of Washington DC…Nor the face of the great Lady of Liberty…””

Then I saw in the Spirit, a humble, broken*** face…a face that was SET LIKE FLINT upon the Lord…just as in the year 1620, a remnant of faithful believers waded through the fires of oppression in “Old England”, to find sanctuary on the shores of what is now New England. Through these same fires of oppression, in the place of the greatest pressure, I believe God will remove the veil, and through His Church, America’s True Face will once more be seen (2Corinthians 3:18). This is both the Face - and the Foundation of this nation…and the Lord will return us there! 

***This face was not “broken” as if defeated or destroyed…but as a horse is broken to be fully used by its trainer, so the Church of America will be “broken” by the Lord. (Psalm 32:8-10)

I know I have said this before: I do not believe that this awakening will look the way some have imagined. It will not be an awakening of big names on big platforms in big arenas: This is not the true face of America…and certainly should not be the face of the Church! I keep seeing the olive press- the Gethsemane. This was pure, heart-wrenching REPENTANCE! Much of it going on in the midnight hour - unseen by the masses. And under pressure and hardship. Things will get very dark. (And as I think back to 1620 England, I see that the greatest moves of repentance have usually happened amidst the greatest oppression)

~~~I saw  what I thought to be an olive, being pressed and squeezed in between two hands…gently at first, then more and more intensely until I saw oil begin to come from the olive. I knew this was the Church. (Excerpt from 08/21/2021)~~~

How can we in America prepare? 

…By focusing, not on visible temporal things of this world, but the invisible, eternal things of the next; (We will never be ready for a revival through persecution - or to be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, as long as we love the things of this world and hold on to them)

 (2Corinthians 4:16-18; 1Thess. 4:16-17)

So we must start seeing ourselves - and our nation - in a new Light: -

America is - and has been - a beacon of freedom to the nations of the world, for one purpose: 

For the preaching of the Gospel to the nations of the world. 

There is no other nation on the planet that has been blessed with such light and liberty:

We, the Church must begin to see our liberty like that…

And to use our liberty for that purpose, while there is still time…

So that when we (the Church) lose our liberty…we will be strong enough in our faith to stand firm…and after we have done everything else, to stand! (Ephesians 6:13)

Why are we being shaken?…Because it is time for us to awaken!πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


Saturday, 12 February 2022

 What still presses on my heart at this hour…forgive the bluntness. How long we will continue to crane our necks to those at the top of this “apostolic pyramid”, for guidance and leadership, instead of looking to the Lord? This is not Moses on Mt Sinai…we’re not approaching a mountain of fire, upon which only a select few are invited. We are the Body of Christ. Each part uniquely equal…and equally unique. In past times God spoke to us through prophets. Now He has spoken to us through His Son…(Hebrews 1:1-2)

It is tragic that so many who were called by God and once used mightily by Him, have become so consumed by the gift that they have forgotten about the giver…forgetting that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble…that he uses the despised things of this world to shame those who think they are something…and that it is to “little children“ that he reveals His true heart, they have made for themselves names, titles and platforms…hence the New Apostolic Reformation was born (C.Peter Wagner’s words, not mine)

Any true prophet will understand that God speaks at HIS OWN WILL and in HIS OWN TIME. As a prophetic person myself, I know how important it is to wait for the Lord and submit to Him - no matter how long that wait is. 

He may use a person to prophesy many times - or only one time…it may be over the span of a few days…or we may have to wait several decades between prophetic words! (for me it has been 10 years). But it doesn’t matter…because it’s not about us - it’s about HIM! 

Prophets are not supposed to be elevated above the rest of the Church - quite the opposite!

We’re not necessarily going to get a “word for the year” or a “word for the month” We’re not fortune tellers: This is nonsense! Borderline divination! We will get a word if and when GOD CHOOSES to give us one! 

And we may not always hit the mark…because we’re New Covenant prophets, not Old. Contrary to what these so-called prophets may say, we are not the ONLY voice for God - that was the Old Testament…Our words are NOT the Law. God’s Word (The Bible) is.


~~~Excerpt from post: May 2021

Kim Clement: “The Lord’s just told me that “as you pray I will send back what has been isolated…There has been an isolation of inspiration. But now I will restore inspiration that will raise the dead…I will do unusual miracles…if you would just ask me…for tonight I will begin…with you…and your house!””

I’m sure many people saw different interpretations as to what had been “isolated”…I saw fathers.~~~

(Mal. 4:5-6)

But there will not be a full realization and release for these husbands/fathers into their place in God’s order, without we who are wives/mothers recognizing and embracing ours. So what in the Church, does that look like? -

“…but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious. For this is how the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, by submitting to their own husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord. And you are her children, if you do good and do not fear anything that is frightening. (1Peter 3:4-6)

Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. (Eph.5:22-23)

Can I as a woman (who is even married to a Godly man) do this in my own strength? I confess that often I can’t! There are times when, to my shame, I find this very hard. (because our culture - especially in some of the more charismatic churches - tells us to do the opposite!). This is why (like Paul) I must go to the Cross, and there die daily (1Cor. 15:31) - crucifying my flesh in the Body of Jesus Christ (Galatians 2:20), so that I may find Grace to walk in His Resurrection. Apart from Him, I can do nothing…

But I believe this is a key to revival. The Lord is not coming back fo an upside down Church: but for a Family - a Bride, fully adorned and right way up - in her right mind. I am praying that those of us women who call ourselves disciples of Jesus, everywhere will, by the Grace of God and the Power of His Name, receive and embrace this scripture. This is where real authority lies.

I believe I have seen an ecclesia that looks like an army…an army that looks like a Family…a Family that looks like a Bride.

We may not realize this: But there are so many in the world that may seem cynical and even hostile on the outside…but inside are groaning…longing…just waiting…for the Church to look - not like this world - but like The Church! (Romans 8:19,22) 

I believe the harder things become, the more we will be pressed into Christ - His death and resurrection (The deeper the darkness - the greater the Light) and when we begin to look - to function like this…that is when they will come!

What I saw and heard on Mt Carmel 2008, was the sound of the Bride: fathers/husbands taking their place…mothers/wives taking their place…the voices of grandparents, brothers , sisters and children…little children!

Thursday, 10 February 2022


During intercession for America this morning, I saw the following:

I was praying for church family in Connecticut and I saw (not for the first time) geysers erupting in various places: first in Connecticut , then all over New England. I heard the sound as great iron caps were blown off them and upwards. 

At the same time, I saw the Bible Belt - families - the voices of children: Some very small, some older - some of them known to me:  And the Bible Belt was being unbuckled**  - It was, as if there were too many families…too much of the fullness of God, to keep it buckled! It was an awakening - that heavily involved what the Bible-belt is all about: The Family. (This is also not the first time I have seen, or prophesied this.)

And, with fear and trembling, I felt the Lord say “I will for a season, bring down the “American way”, so that the people can recognize MY WAY. I am and will shake the great monuments of humanism in this nation…” (I thought about Washington DC)

“…and uncover its original Foundation Stone: For I remember the prayers and supplications offered up to me…” (I thought about the year 1620 and a storm battered schooner, landed at Plymouth Rock; a small group of pilgrims from England, who had risked life and limb to find religious freedom, on these beautiful shores). 

The Lord continued…”You have forgotten - yet I have not. You have placed pagan pyramids over this sacred covenant. (Again I saw Washington DC)…”But in the end, because of the prayers of My people, I will uncover this foundation and bring up the stone, that I may bring Salvation over this Land…and from here to the ends of the Earth. But it will not be to your glory America. For in a place of weakness and humble dependence upon me, just as were those pilgrims who originally settled on these shores: THIS is the place from which I will move by My Spirit“ says the Lord. “You must LEARN to find that place, setting everything else aside, for the time is at hand.

“For even in these times - in the midst of birth-pangs, it is being said “We are a great nation, with a great Dream” - even among My own People this is being said! - and you still pursue this “dream” - for yourselves - for your children - for your children’s children! 

“But this is not My dream, for you, or your children or your children’s children!  Salvation is no dream! It is a time to be fully awake, sober-minded and alert. I have ONE WAY…“

(I immediately thought about the numerous prestigious schools and colleges we have been putting our children through, in the name of “greatness” - only to lose so many of them to humanism and Self- Actualization on the other side…and still others, to be lost to depression and anxiety related illness and addiction - because of this same pressure - this push in the pursuit of wealth…of SELF! And why do we as Godly parents and grandparents lead them in this “way”? Is it truly for them - or is it really for us?) 

The Lord continued…”I have ONE WAY - and you, My People KNOW this Way (John14:4). You must speak and lead these who are lost through the true Way made for them by My Son…even if this causes all to hate you. This is the Way of My Cross - the Way many have trodden before you - and the Way that has been paved by the Chief Corner Stone…The Blood…of My only Son. (Acts 4:12; Eph. 2:20)

“I have ONE WAY - to deny yourself, take up your cross - and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it (because this world is marked for judgment)- but whoever loses his life for My sake will TRULY find life everlasting! You must learn to follow The Way of Love (John 15:13) - for your children - and your children’s children!”

I knew the Lord was saying that THIS is what we must learn, through the surrendering of our own lives, to do - not only for ourselves, but for our children- and our children’s children! 

THIS is what we should be teaching them!…The Way of Jesus…the Way of the Cross: that this life (what we see, what we hear, what we HAVE) is temporary…that ONLY the invisible things of God are eternal - and the only way we can teach this to others is by doing ourselves: When the Lord said “You must LEAD them…” He truly meant LEAD - by example. We must truly lay down things of this world, (this will look different for each of us) and follow Jesus - if we want to LEAD others to also truly follow Him!

**Part of a prophetic utterance by Kim Clement: “I will unbuckle the Bible Belt…”

I do not know the exact timing of these events. Test all prophesy - hold on to the good (1Thess. 5:20-21) 

There has been much pride - especially since 9/11: But there is also HOPE - in the form of a Covenant made 400 years ago…and a Salvation which will reach its climatic fulfillment in Revelation 7:9-17.  I know the Lord is GIVING US TIME to repent and prepare!

John 14:6

John 15:20

Matthew 6:19-34

Matthew 16:21-25

Luke 9:22-26


Tuesday, 8 February 2022

 While it is daytime, we must do the works of Him who sent Me. Night is coming, when no one can work. (John 9:4)

 “Seek the Lord while he may be found;

call upon him while he is near;

let the wicked forsake his way,

and the unrighteous man his thoughts;

let him return to the Lord, that he may have compassion on him,

and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

(Isaiah 55:6-7)

 Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. John 12:24-25

A few years ago, while we were under the 44th Presidency, I saw the nation burning: These were not physical fires, but rather, I felt it was a burning down of what we had become used to in America…it was the infrastructure, the industry, the military…everything we had built…and everything we had glorified…and I felt the Lord saying not to fight the fires but to let them burn. (I was too wearied from the fight to contest at that point, so my response was “Your will be done Lord”)

Then yesterday (08/12/21) this is what I got - directed at the Church, because everything begins with the Church:

This is a nation that began with God. If we want the will of God, we must allow Him to pull down…shake down…burn down, in His House, everything erected by us - everything we have built for ourselves, until that which was built by God, for His Glory is uncovered…The place where it began - its foundation stone. 

And I felt the Lord saying to His remnant “Do not be afraid  - What are the foundations of America except it’s Constitution? And this…even this, will one day be undone….

BUT: what are the foundations of My Church, except My Word? - The Bible…which will never be undone! Without THIS foundation, nothing would survive…

But…because of it, I am shaking everything else that can be shaken until it falls…so that the thing which cannot be shaken (My Word and everything built upon it) will stand and will endure.

“However, you must use this time I am giving you wisely…It is not for building the American dream…not for the pursuit of wealth, enlightenment or earthly knowledge - but…”

(I thought about the year 1620: a storm-battered schooner, settled in Plymouth Harbor - the prayer of a small group of God fearing people from England and Germany, fleeing religious persecution - America’s true beginnings)…

“…BUT: for the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom…it is not for your comfort and pleasure, but for the Glory of My Name.”

However much the foundation of America has been covered up and overrun by Masonic pyramids and “new eras of enlightenment” we, the remnant of God, MUST HUMBLE ourselves and return to these original foundations of 1620 - of simple allegiance to ONLY Christ and Him crucified.

Both of these pictured below, are symbols of ideals that have long ago woven themselves into the fabric of American culture - and recently, the pyramid has become interwoven into the fabric of the church, through celebrity and prosperity cultures - which have been triggered by movements like the New Apostolic Reformation and the Seven Mountain Mandate…so much so, that many Christians are now not even aware of the difference: But these are as far from each other as the East from the West - and we, the Body of Christ must recognize…and choose.

 In the final days The Cross of Jesus Christ will be lifted up high above the nations of the earth …so that every nation can see. The Light will shine in the darkness…and the darkness will not overcome it. The people who walk in darkness will see…they will see what they had never seen before…and hear what they had never heard. They will see this Light clearly because of the depth of the darkness that is coming on the earth. 

Isaiah 5:20 

The Lord is and will, remove the veil…clear away the fog… He will thoroughly expose darkness for what it is, so His Light can be seen for what it is (Gen 1:4);  He will thoroughly expose evil, for what it is…for a season…a specific time…so that His true Goodness can also be clearly seen…so that humanity can clearly choose; Life or death. Because He is  merciful (2Peter 3:9; Romans 2:4) 

“And many throughout the kingdoms of the Earth will run towards My Life - My Goodness, in this late our. You my people must Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer…You must be ready with the Gospel of peace…blessing those who persecute you: Bless and do not curse them. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (Read Romans ch. 12)

“I am coming soon. Hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown.” (Rev3:11). And  remember, whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”(Matthew 16:25).

The Earth is going to shake.

Sunday, 6 February 2022

…I press on toward the goal to win the prize of God’s heavenly calling in Christ Jesus. (Phil 3:7-14)

During intercession, I again saw the nations, and something like a giant square structure over the center of the Earth (I think, over the area of Israel & the eastern Mediterranean Sea).  I thought it at first to be the square alter of sacrifice in the Tabernacle of Moses. It seemed to be hollow in the middle, with raised sides. 

Then I saw that people were coming from the north, south , east and west and were entering in through the walls of the structure, where I now realized there were doors. 

As I looked further and longer I began to see that the structure actually looked like a walled city, and people were entering in from every nation - “the four corners of the Earth” I could see the Cross of Jesus Christ in the center of this city, elevated up above it and surrounded by glory. In fact, glory emanated from all over it…it streamed through the doors by which people were entering. They would come in and disappear completely, as if enveloped in the glory of the Lord. 

The doors within each wall were not wide - but the Light that came from them was wide, brilliant - almost blinding - it seemed to permeate EVERYWHERE! I saw this Light hit people in great darkness. I could tell by their apparel, that some of these were people from the Middle East, and Asia: They seemed to suddenly come alive, jump up and start running toward the Light. The more the people came, the larger the ‘city’ seemed to grow (John 14:2).

Within moments, people from many nations - I saw Asia and Africa - started running frantically - as if in a race, with the finish line in sight…in droves of hundreds- thousands, toward “the city”. At the same time, people were streaming in from Europe, Russia, the Far East and the Americas - from the farthest islands of the sea! I could now feel such urgency in the heavenly realms.

~~And the master said to the servant, ‘Go out to the highways and hedges and compel people to come in, that MY HOUSE MAY BE FILLED’. (Read Luke 14:16-23)~~

Many of the Body of Christ were standing at the door, pulling people in. Many others were on the outside, in the hedges and the highways and byways, being the ‘hands’ and ‘arms’ of Christ. There were now large numbers of “missionaries” - I saw that many  had been commissioned from America. (We must understand that America’s call from the Lord is first and foremost, a spiritual one) We were compelling them to come in (the answer to the prayer of Matthew 9:36-38).  

It was very strange, but some of those coming into the city, I knew had been martyred - and yet, they were fully alive…how great is their reward in Heaven! (Revelation 6:9-11). I started to shout along with others “Come on! Come on!” I was now groaning in intercession. 

On top of the walls of “the city” I saw other ‘watchman’ who were continually blowing trumpets, also compelling people to come in -“so that My House will be full!” 

The message coming from the Church, was as it had been in the beginning: “Repent, the Kingdom of Heaven is near!” We were bold, and full of power and love: The Lord was with us - delighting in us, His Bride. 

I remember thinking how so many in the Church are looking for the rapture as an escape from tribulation: But surely in order for us to be ready to be raptured, we need to be refined, through enduring some tribulation - at least for a time. We cannot serve two masters (Matthew 6:24).

As I was thinking this, the Lord led me to the following scripture: 

“And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil.”  Read John 3:16-19 

This is why many whom the Lord has invited to the banquet will not come in. (Luke 14:16-23). WE MUST CHOOSE JESUS…We must understand - especially in America - that this world holds NOTHING for us. But for us to hold on to it, is death.


i. The “City”: 

Although, not to be taken as a literal interpretation of Revelation ch.21 vs.2-4 & vs.9-27 - I do believe it was symbolic of Salvation and God’s Kingdom. 

ii. The Doors: See: 

Matthew 7:13-14; John 10:9-10

iii. Seeing the “City” over Israel: 

Possibly a symbolic sign of the veil being fully lifted from Israel (The Jewish people), as the Age of the Gentile Church reaches its fulfillment. (The passing of the baton, if you like, from Gentile back to Jew) See: Romans 11:25-26; Revelation ch.7; 

Salvation is of the Jew (John 4:22)

And we know the The Revelation of Jesus Christ is centered around two nations: Mystery Babylon and Israel: With Israel it began (Genesis 22:8) and with Israel it will end.


This is so hard for me to write: 

I would love to see the 45th President restored - it would be an amazing miracle of Grace! But in response to those who are listening to people who are still prophesying this…

I may be wrong, but I believe so strongly, that if  anything like that were to happen, we the Church in America, MUST turn from the former things, and learn to see things in a New Light… And The Lord brought me to this scripture:

Revelation 3:14-22

 “And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: ‘The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God’s creation.

“ ‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked. 

I counsel you to buy from me GOLD REFINED BY FIRE, (1Peter 1:6-7)

so that you may be rich, 

and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that YOU MAY SEE πŸ™

Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’ ”

😒 2Chronicles7:14

 It’s not that I don’t believe in revivals…it’s not that I don’t want them. But I believe that every revival…every awakening of the past, was merely a means to an end…they were but a foreshadowing of what is to come..the awakenings that will happen during a time of great testing…of tribulation (see Revelation 7:9-17), when there will be no place to run…and because of this, these awakenings will not be like the others: They will not die out…until the Lord Himself raptures us out! Therefore let us not cling to the revivals of the past, but let the hope…the lessons we gain from them…things that the Holy Spirit would teach us from these awakenings…let this  prepare us for what is to come in the future; that in these final days we will be effective agents of grace and good stewards of the Hope of Salvation, that he has entrusted us with…in the midsts of great darkness…Until the very end.

For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 

But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. 

We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; 

always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies. 

For we who live are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. 

2Corinthians 4:6-10

 A flood is coming. (I am not talking about a literal flood of water {Gen 9:11}, but a tribulation.) But I believe I have seen many many families, and ministries of true servant-hood, across many nations, who will be lifted up above it, by the power of His Blood, and for the Glory of His Name. (Ex 8:22-23)

Seek the Lord Jesus Christ, while He may be found…surely He has made a Way…and made it so simple. He has already provided (Gen22:7). What does He require of us? To BELIEVE it and RECEIVE it.

Isaiah 55:6-13

“Seek the Lord while he may be found;

    call upon him while he is near;

let the wicked forsake his way,

    and the unrighteous man his thoughts;

let him return to the Lord, that he may have compassion on him,

    and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts,

    neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth,

    so are my ways higher than your ways

    and my thoughts than your thoughts.

“For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven

    and do not return there but water the earth,

making it bring forth and sprout,

    giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater,

so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth;

    it shall not return to me empty,

but it shall accomplish that which I purpose,

    and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.

“For you shall go out in joy

    and be led forth in peace;

the mountains and the hills before you

    shall break forth into singing,

    and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

Instead of the thorn shall come up the cypress;

    instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle;

and it shall make a name for the Lord,

    an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.”

 Who can say when the rapture will be. 

I can’t help but believe that the ONLY Way we in the  western churches will be ready to meet the Lord in the air, is through the refining fire of tribulations. See Revelation ch. 2&3. Because there are too many of us that love the privileges of this world too much to let them go. 

It is better that America goes through the olive press now (2Cor.4:8-9), rather then the wine press later (Revelation 14:19). Better to be pressed like an olive, than crushed like a grape (Matt 21:44). Can we not see the Lord’s mercy in this?

The post in the below link from 2021 is  outdated - numbers are still rising.. But please still read. I believe the Lord showed me this for America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Please, as always, hang this in your prophesy closet for testing - I may be totally wrong…and - of course we should be ready for the rapture at any time. I’m not going against that.

 Jan 29 2022 

Fast for Family

How deep the Father’s love, and how large His heart, toward His original divine order - the Family. So now, at the beginning of Fast for Family 2022, I am feeling more than ever before, that time is very very short. On Jan 29, I sensed the Lord’s Hand upon America in a very particular way - specifically upon the Heartland: I saw first Kentucky, then Tennessee, then other states…and I realized that I was looking at what is called “the Bible Belt” of the nation. 

I remembered a prophetic utterance of Kim Clement’s:  “…And I will unbuckle the Bible Belt.” 

As The Lord continued to show me the heartland…I saw the heartbeat of America - the Family. And I became aware of Him placing something like a seal, on the heads of many children: some of them very small, while others almost in their teens.  I realized that I was looking at the end times generation (possibly, the very end of the end), and I began to cry out, praying fervently for these little ones…whom through my eyes, were born into a time of such darkness…But whom through the Lord’s eyes were born deliberately for such a time as this! (John9:3) An army.

~~~Excerpt from post: May 2021

Kim Clement: “The Lord’s just told me that “as you pray I will send back what has been isolated…There has been an isolation of inspiration. But now I will restore inspiration that will raise the dead…I will do unusual miracles…if you would just ask me…for tonight I will begin…with you…and your house!””

I’m sure many people saw different interpretations as to what had been “isolated”…I saw fathers.~~~

(Mal. 4:5-6)

Then I became aware of fathers - many of them estranged from their families, others struggling to find both their identity and place. I began to cry out to the Lord to restore these fathers - these men to the rightful place. And that was when I discerned His Fire. It was falling on the Heartland…upon families. It was as if the whole Bible Belt was beginning to burn - to shake - to unbuckle! I believe I saw an awaking, through Fire…in the heart of America…through the heart of the Church - The Family. 

~~~Excerpt July 8 2021

This is why I fast for families…the heart of God IS family…America has fought so hard for the family: and the Lord knows, I am not ready to be raptured out, leaving families in disarray…fathers estranged for their children…children lost and walking the street. 

At this point I neither know, nor care if the rapture is “pre-trib”, “mid-trib” or “post-trib”. All I know is He is coming back for us…We need to be the right way up when He comes…and as yet, we’re not.

For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong;  God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God.

1Cor 1:26-29

America’s strength is not where so many of us have imagined it to be…

~~I thought about the year 1620: a storm-battered schooner, settled in Plymouth Harbor - the prayer of dedication, from a small group of God fearing people from England and Germany, fleeing religious persecution - America’s humble beginnings!

…Then my heart was at ground level: looking at local pastors, churches, families.~~

I believe, even in the midst of all this, there WILL be a great awakening in this Land…and it will center greatly around that which is the strength - the backbone of America: Not its celebrity pastors, nor it’s self-proclaimed apostles and prophets…but that which is, and has been The Lord’s gift to America, through His Church, from the beginning: The FAMILY!

I believe that in the midst of great darkness…at the eleventh hour…from out of the hearts of little children, Gods divine order will once again be seen: 

And that almost at the very end…unheralded by other kingdoms or peoples…weak in herself, but strong in the Lord…America’s True Light will shine. 

I pray for this…I Fast for Family

Epilogue: 02.01.22

I saw one great, what looked like seismic wave come out from America: For One time - one season only. (I believe this is Revelation 7:9-17)

I saw the great eagle rise up, for one time - one season only: 

It was not militant…it was not political: 

It was humble…it was simple…it was Family.

Then something like a vast white vortex opened up over America’s heartland - Salvation! 

This was happening unheralded by governments and despised by institutions belonging to this world. It was unnoticed by many, and hugely opposed by many more. This was happening in the midst of great shakings - I believe literal as well as spiritual.

Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness,so the Son of Man must be lifted up,that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.”

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.(John3:14-17) 

Now is the judgment of this world; now will the ruler of this world be cast out. And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” He said this to show by what kind of death he was going to die. (John 12:31-32)

Now is the time to look to the Cross - for healing, for deliverance - for Salvation! 

And this is the ONLY Place…and He is the ONLY Way to be saved - from sin and its consequences…from judgment…from Hell! (Acts 4:12)

Read Numbers ch. 21


Jan 20 Fast for Family - For America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 

From the Kim Clement at Mt Carmel 2008: at. 10min 24sec. during a transition in Kim’s music…and a transition in the spirit realm:

I saw The Fire falling all over the world, but this vision is specifically concerning the United States of America. 

When I looked at America during this vision, people appeared as shafts of Light…beams coming out from every angle. It was dark - like pitch - everywhere…a spiritual darkness…more than this: a time of fear and trepidation - as if something was happening to the Earth itself.

But the followers of Jesus were so bright in appearance that no faces could be seen…we were nameless - of no reputation -  except One: Jesus Christ.

This brightness was not of our doing: we had simply chosen, like children, to trust in…to cleave to Jesus, who is The Light…and the deep darkness just made us shine all the brighter. And I felt the Lord say to America: Revival will begin at ground level. (Psalm 25:12-14; Proverbs ch.1:7; ch.3:5-8)

You will learn to grow in darkness. How can something grow when deprived of natural sunlight? - unless there is another supernatural source, that will override your carnal needs and natural instincts; causing you to grow in the midst of drought; bringing you to Life in the midst of death. (Indeed, there is no real Life until we first embrace Christ’s death.) My Church will learn to do this in the midst of the Fire you have been asking for…and the time that is approaching.”

During this time of tribulation, many large  ministries that had carried the Church for so long, were hit hard, so that they seemed to be fragmented and scattered…and this was a good thing: Many pastors, associate pastors and elders who had been (knowingly or unknowingly) prepared by God for this hour, upon being dispersed outside the church structure, began to preach the Gospel…powerfully and passionately. Individual congregants, some of whom had been awoken as if from a deep sleep, others who had been faithfully and humbly praying and waiting, went out to the highways and byways, and also began to preach the Gospel, with signs and wonders accompanying.

See link:

This was all over the nation…but I seemed to be especially aware of America’s heartland. I remember part of another prophesy uttered by Kim Clement: “And I will unbuckle the Bible Belt…”: I felt like I was watching this happening! These were men of prayer; men who had CHOSEN - even at the eleventh hour - to follow Jesus first, to love their wives, to cover their families, to shepherd their children…again even at the eleventh hour (they were not necessarily seasoned church goers) They were  at the head, and they ran straight into the Light of Christ, holding their children, grabbing their teens (these fathers, husbands, grandfathers operated with a Godly and supernatural authority), and coming out the other side, they rushed at the darkness as if on the front lines of an army, with swords held high. Many others followed them. This is the family…the heart of America 

See link:

Whatever sort of awakening is coming to America will happen at ground level…in the darkness…in the persecution…in the place of the pressure and squeezing of Gethsemane. God has wanted to bless America…but we, the Church have turned family and fellowship into tribalism and elitism…we have built a high pyramid of celebrities in God’s House…so many of us have helped to build it: And we must repent of this and turn away from it. The most distressing thing is that, as deep as this darkness was, many will still not recognize it as darkness, or prefer to remain in it, rather than come to the Light of Christ. (John3:18-20)

Please test this: Over time and by the witness of the Holy Spirit.  I do not claim the office of prophet - and never would! I see only through a glass darkly…and I may not even see correctly! But I can’t shake this off: I believe that there is something God wants to do in America…in the midst of great fear…great darkness; not through any military might or economic power; Not through man-made plans and structures - either those of the world or of the  Church: 

But through God’s plan and structure…through His Church…through the Family.

Lord, that you would bring us one and all, into a place where we know we cannot survive without you…so that we will be ready for You when You come for usπŸ™❣️


Jan 15

This is (I think) the final chapter of the revelation I received on Mt Carmel 2008, with Kim Clement and a remnant from many nations. It is both an encouragement and a warning; It is based around one scripture: Revelation 7:9-17 and will be tried and tested until that time. 

For Kim Clement concert: see link below

1) The Mysterious Music Of Unity…(Matthew 16:18)

At 17 min 23 sec.

Kim Clement: “Take your loved one by the hand”… for many who will go through the Fire, will go through as a family…a unity that will begin -  and end - in the home!

Then as Kim began to play on his keyboard, I began to see a different kind of unity.🎼🎢🎼

For the next few minutes, as Kim played, I saw The Body of Christ…we were being knit together, by the Hand of God Himself…it was the most diverse, beautiful and most unlikely unification imaginable to man…I saw us being unified by the Holy Spirit…it was the most incredible and almost unbelievable unification of generations, social classes, culture, creed, skin color, language and tribe. He brought some down and raised up others…leveling everything before Him - We were as if, a flat line…a glassy sea before His Throne (Revelation 4:6; 15:2). There were young uniting with old, rich with poor, slave with free, former criminals, drug addicts, and others whom I cannot describe…people who had come OUT from other religions, other “tribes”…people that, had we the Church been able to see, we likely would never have been capable of unifying with - NOT with the true unity that Jesus prayed for in John ch.17:20-21! 

This was why this final awakening was happening in darkness…under persecution. The unifying of the Saints that I saw, while Kim played, was nothing short of an absolute miracle! Jesus’s prayer of John ch.17 coming to fruition - and almost entirely without our knowledge or input. All we were doing at this time was humbling ourselves and seeking the face of the Lord. (2Chronicles 7:14).

This is a unity that will be utterly impossible for any person or ministry to engineer…so we may as well stop trying to engineer it! To think that we can, is a prideful deception.

To the ministers with large platforms: Stop trying to reconcile Christianity with Catholicism, Judaism, Mormonism (to name just a few): This form of man-made unity will provoke the wrath of God and hasten His Judgment: This was why, after the Flood, he had to scatter the people in the first place! (Genesis 11:1-9) 

But rather, SEPARATE yourselves and start HUMBLY seeking ONLY Jesus Christ…the One who was crucified for our sins, was buried, who rose again and is now seated at God’s Right Hand…THIS is Christianity…THIS is our God: And we need to start seeking Him, with ALL our heart, soul, mind and strength…

When we do this…we will know - and PRAY - the heart and mind of God;

When we do this…God will bring them! - Revelation 7:9-17 (2Chronicles7:14)

“There is no unity outside of holiness”

David Wilkerson (2Corinthians 6:14-18)

2) The Church Becomes The Light! (Revelation 12:11)

At 19min. 15sec.  I was brought to what I think, was the beginnings of real persecution…and through the song of Kim Clement, I saw the Light coming from His Remnant…and I heard their song - the song…the heart…of the now unified Church, world-wide:🎼

“I come to You, with my hands open wide:

Lord I know you took the wounds for me…

“I come to You, with my heart open wide:

Yes I know that they broke your heart…just for me;

“I come to You with my hands open wide:

Lord I know You bore marks for me…that I might live…because of You…”

3) The Church Preaches the Gospel! (Matthew 24:14)

Then At 20:56…Kim Clement begins to prophesy in song, the following: 

“God says to you: 🎼

“I gave you all, when I sent My Only Son…

It was all that I had…closest to My heart.

I gave My Life, when I gave My Only Son…and I watched, as they tore Him apart…and I cried.“”

I felt here, that God was making His appeal to the unbeliever through His Church… 

And I saw: High-born and low…people in the earth, across the nations were being cut to the heart, as they were exposed to the Light of The Revelation of Jesus Christ…from which, in the midst of such deep darkness, there was no escape.

The Lord continued to speak through Kim Clement:🎼

“I turned away, for that one lonely moment…

when the sins of the world, He took upon Himself…just for you…

“And as He died, I could see the joy…in the eyes of every one of you that are alive…that you would praise Him…” 

I saw leaders…thrones in areas of the world…not brought low, but brought into the Light: those who sat upon them were weeping - They were brought low, as they came to a knowledge of Jesus Christ and repented. I think this was being done in darkness…under persecution and without any fanfare…except in Heaven, where there is always fanfare and rejoicing when one sinner repents (Luke 15:4-7).

The Lord continued:🎼

“There on the Cross, My only consolation was I could hear every one of you…lifting up your voice…PRAISING HIM!”

Then through Kim Clement, I heard the Bride respond: 🎼

“I lift my heart to your One and Only Son…who gave me life…changed my heart…I lift my hands to You…”

This is NOT a revolution…at least not the kind that some prominent people in the western Church are vainly imagining. This is a reformation: Not via nations or governments, but humbly and powerfully, within the hearts of people…one final reformation…that I believe will only end in one way: - Revelation 7:9-17 (Although this is open for debate)

After the prophesy had finished, just as Kim Clement stated, I also felt a completion - like something was finished- sealed.

4) The Final Curtain! 

Then finally at 27min:45, from the tongues of many different nations, standing united on Mt Carmel, came the song: “Worthy Of Our Praise”🎼…and from this moment until the very end of the concert, I believe I was taken, almost to the end - Revelation 7:9-11. (The singing of this song was a foreshadowing of something much greater): My ears were suddenly opened and, through this final song, I heard the Spirit and the Bride saying “Come”…

From, what I believe was every nation of the Earth, in the midst of great darkness, in the heart of great revival, God’s people, in many different tongues were crying out for Him to come…quietly at first; then, as more and more people entered in to the Kingdom, the voices - the song of praise and adoration - became louder and louder…reaching up to the Lord in Heaven, until it became a Crescendo! This was TRUE UNITY - Not the counterfeit tower of Genesis 11:4, but the pure and true unity that reaches up to Heaven, as an incredible aroma before God…”Come Lord Jesus!” (Revelation 22:17)…. And He will surely come. 

BUT we MUST separate ourselves: Because the false unity - the great deception - is coming…and with it, the final Judgment of God.

To God…and God ALONE…be the glory!

(1Thess. 5:20-21)

America Ch. 20 Cyrus, Trump & America’s True Foundation  Part I  So who was Cyrus - and how is he connected to Trump and America? Isaiah...